Acharya Kanad| Maharshi Kanad- “Father of Atomic Theory
As a result, Great philosophers and Saints like Sage Kanad were able to go on both Philosophical and Spiritual paths at the same Time. He influenced many people’s views on Science and served as an Inspiration to many other Philosophers and Thinkers.
John Dalton, an English Chemist and Physicist, is credited with developing the Atomic hypothesis (1766–1844). However, few people are aware that an Indian sage and philosopher named Acharya Kanad developed an atom theory around 2500 years before Dalton.
Acharya Kanad was a philosopher from ancient India. Acharya Kanad was born at Prabhas Kshetra (near Dwaraka) in Gujarat, Eastern India, in the year 600 BC. Kashyap was his true name. He has discussed Nuclear and Physics in the Sanskrit book ‘Vaisheshik Sutra’. Kanad was a sage of the sixth century BC. It is believed that he was a proto-physicist because of his ideas in ancient times. The distinctive Philosophy of Kanad is significant among the Six prominent Philosophical Philosophies in Indian history. He used to do penance after gathering and eating grains of grains. he was known as “Kanad” or “Kanabhuk” because of this. Some think he created a delicate idea of particle, such as an atomic element, which is why he is known as “Kanad.” Some believe they stayed in Samadhi throughout the day and collected particles at night. This behaviour is similar to that of the “owl” bird.
Acharya Kanad is supposed to have started biting a fruit in his palm with his fingernail one day. It got to the point when the fruits were so little that it was impossible to eat any more of them. After giving this phenomenon a lot of thought, he came to the conclusion that the best form of any substance, which we can’t see with our eyes, can be produced even more subtle than the final count.
Acharya Kanad -Father of Atomic Theory
Acharya Kanad was the First person to propose an Atomic hypothesis. He explained the creation and existence of the Universe through Atomic Theory. All stuff in the Universe, according to this view, is made up of Atoms.
He categorized the Universe into Six categories, as follows:
Dravya, which is defined as a substance, Guna is a Sanskrit word that means “quality.” Karman is a verb that means “to move.” Generic Species is Samanya’s definition. Samavaya is defined as inherence and Visesa is defined as a distinct trait. In his book Vaisheshik Sutra, he introduced this concept. Using logic and realism, this is the most systematic theory in history of mankind.
“Atom is the 16th portion of a particle flying in the light coming from a window,” Kanad states. Life, according to Acharya Kanad, is an ordered form of atoms and molecules, whereas death is an unstructured form of those atoms. His discovery was not without controversy, and it has been a point of contention since the beginning. The 5th century Greek Philosophers Leucippus and Democritus made the first significant discovery of the atom that has survived to this day. Maharshi Kanad is the Pioneer of Theory of Particles, believed that the physical world began with the condensation of minuscule particle atoms. Apart from that, before Newton, Maharishi Kanad had given three laws of motion.
That is, velocity or motion arises as a result of a special action on the Five components, and it is destroyed or generated by a special combination as a result of an action in a regular direction. In the chapter of the Vaisheshik Sutra, Kanad discusses a variety of empirical observations and Natural phenomena, including the falling of objects to the ground, the rising of fire and heat upwards, the growth of grass upwards, the nature of rainfall and thunderstorms, the flow of liquids, and the movement towards a magnet, among others, and then asks why these things happen, before attempting to integrate his observations with his theories on atoms, molecules, and their interactions. He divides observed events into two categories: volitional events and subject-object conjunctions.
The time and place of Maharishi Kanad’s death are unconfirmed. This great Indian philosopher will never be forgotten, even after thousands of years have passed. Acharya Kanad is regarded as the Greatest of the ancient sages. Kanad, an ancient Indian Scientist, stated Thousands of years ago that matter is composed of extremely small particles. As a result, he is known as the “Father of Atomic Theory.”
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