Gudhi Padwa Festival Information

Mansi Mestry
4 min readMar 21, 2023


Gudhi Padwa, also known as the Marathi New Year, is a significant festival celebrated in Maharashtra, India. The festival marks the beginning of the New Year, and it is celebrated on the first day of the Hindu month of Chaitra (March-April). Gudhi Padwa is a celebration of new beginnings, fresh starts, and the Victory of Good over Evil.

Happy Gudi Padawa
Gudi Padwa Essay/Information

The word “Gudhi” refers to a flag, and “Padwa” means the first day of the lunar month. Therefore, Gudhi Padwa refers to the first day of the Chaitra month, which is celebrated by raising a “Gudhi” flag in front of the house. The Gudhi flag is usually made of a bamboo stick, which is covered with a saffron cloth and decorated with Neem leaves, Mango leaves, and a copper pot. The copper pot is believed to symbolize prosperity and is filled with holy water and a few grains of Rice.

The significance of raising the Gudhi flag is to commemorate the victory of Lord Rama over the demon king Ravana. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana, and the people of Ayodhya celebrated his victory by raising a Gudhi flag. Therefore, raising the Gudhi flag is a symbol of victory and prosperity.

Apart from raising the Gudhi flag, Gudhi Padwa is celebrated with several other customs and traditions. People decorate their homes with Rangolis and flowers, and women wear traditional attire like Sarees and jewelry. People also exchange sweets and gifts with8 each other, and families come together to celebrate the festival. The Traditional dish made on Gudhi Padwa is Puran Poli (a sweet flatbread made with lentil filling), Shrikhand Puri.

The Cultural significance of Gudhi Padwa is immense. It is not only celebrated in Maharashtra but also in other parts of India like Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka. Gudhi Padwa is a symbol of hope and new beginnings. We should put the past behind us and welcome the future. It is also a time to be grateful for the blessings in our lives and seek blessings for the year ahead.

History and Mythology:

Gudhi Padwa has been celebrated in Maharashtra for several centuries. According to some historians, the festival has its origins in the Yadava dynasty, which ruled Maharashtra from the 12th to the 14th century. Some believe that the festival was also celebrated during the reign of the Chalukya dynasty in the 7th century.

The festival is also associated with various mythological events. One myth states that on this day, Lord Brahma created the universe. another story is that Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile on this day. In some parts of India, Gudhi Padwa is also associated with the harvest season, and it marks the beginning of the sowing season for farmers.


In Maharashtra, Gudhi Padwa is widely observed. People tidy up their residences and add lights, flowers, and Rangolis to them. Women wear Traditional sarees and jewelry, and men wear traditional attire like dhoti-kurta. People visit temples and offer prayers to seek blessings for the year ahead.

The most significant tradition of Gudhi Padwa is the raising of the Gudhi flag. The flag is raised in front of the house, and it is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck and prosperity. The flag is usually placed at the highest point of the house to ensure that it is visible to everyone.

People also exchange sweets and gifts with each other on this day. The traditional sweet dish made on Gudhi Padwa is Puran Poli, a flatbread made with lentil filling. Other traditional dishes include Shrikhand, Puri, and Aamras.

Cultural Significance:

Gudhi Padwa is not only celebrated in Maharashtra but also in other parts of India like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana. The festival is an important part of the cultural heritage of India, and it is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy.

The festival is a symbol of New beginnings and Fresh starts. It is a time to leave behind the past and start afresh. Gudhi Padwa is also a time to be grateful for the blessings in our lives and seek blessings for the year ahead. The festival reminds us of the importance of family, community, and unity.

In conclusion, Gudhi Padwa is a Significant Festival in India that celebrates the beginning of the New Year. It is celebrated with several customs and traditions, including the raising of the Gudhi flag. Gudhi Padwa is a representation of Success, Prosperity, and fresh starts. It is a time to come together with Family and Friends and Celebrate the blessings in our lives. Gudhi Padwa is an essential part of the rich cultural heritage of India, and it reminds us of the importance of embracing change and looking forward to a better tomorrow.

Happy Gudi Padwa

